Make a difference for today and an even greater difference for tomorrow.
None of the good work at Abbott House would be possible without the interest and support of the many friends of our children. Gifts of all kinds sustain the agency and every day there are new ways you can make a difference in a young life. We hope you will continue to support these children with your prayers and your gifts.
Use the form below to help support the Abbott House!
Additional Ways to Give
Abbott House proudly welcomes a variety of means to support our work ranging from Honor Gifts to Endowment Gifts and more. No matter how you give, your contribution supports a greater future for the youth of Abbott House.
Honor Gifts
Honor gifts are given in gratitude, in tribute, or in celebration of family members, friends, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, special occasions, or relationships. Acknowledgment letters are sent to a person(s) of your choosing.
Gift Annuities
Through Charitable Gift Annuities, your support for our children today has the ability to influence the work we do for many years to come, while also providing you with a fixed, guaranteed income via tax annuities.
Deferred Gifts and Estate Planning
Gifts of Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, etc. benefit Abbott House children. These items can be given in trust, passing to Abbott House at a time you designate. Trusts can be designated to meet your needs now and later, and are a very flexible way to give major gifts. Most can be changed as your situation changes. You can also choose to assign all or part of the benefits from almost any Insurance Policy or Retirement Plan to Abbott House. If you opt for a retirement plan then make sure that you pick the right one for your financial needs, a Roth IRA calculator can help you with this to see how you can best manage your money during retirement.
Unrestricted Gifts
Unrestricted gifts supplement basic needs for those served and help to improve, maintain, and operate Abbott House. These gifts are a vital source of support for general operations.
Restricted Gifts
Restricted gifts are gifts that are directed to purchase a specific item or service, or to be used for a designated purpose. These gifts also include donations given for special building projects or campaigns.
Endowment Gifts
One of the long-term goals of Abbott House is to steadily work to build an endowment fund. The earnings from this fund will eventually provide significant operational support for Abbott House. This is to provide long-term security, and to guard against the uncertainties and ever-changing reliability of government funding sources.
If you are interested in receiving an Abbott House Federal Form 990 or if you would like to make a gift, please contact our development office:
Abbott House Development Office
Virginia Wishard-Lambert
909 Court Merrill
PO Box 700
Mitchell, SD 57301-0700
Phone: (605) 996-2486 ext. 120
Fax: (605) 996-4585