The winner of the 2021 Build Abbott Motorcycle Rebuild was drawn at the Rapid City Rush hockey game on October 22. Ron Gates of Mitchell, SD was this year's winner! Ron graciously plans to donate a portion of the proceeds back to the Abbott House.
Congratulations to all of the Give for Kids Raffle winners. Participants from across the state help us raise more than $9,000 for education software and Christmas presents for our children. Thank you!
And thank you to our 2021 sponsors who helped make this event such a success!
MITCHELL, S.D. – Billy Beers and his siblings Wavelene and Bobby were brought to the Abbott House in 1945. Today Billy Beers is Bill Williams. Because of the significant impact Abbott House has had on his life, Bill Williams wanted to give something back to Abbott House. He commissioned Karen Bakke, a South Dakota artist, to create a painting of the Abbott House fire. Williams donated the original artwork to the Abbott House during the 2021 Ernie Peters Day celebration.
Rapid City, SD – “Build Abbott”, a re-established motorcycle rebuild program for Abbott House foster children, just named its newest project — INSPIRE.